16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial assistance to help students overcome financial barriers that may prevent them from continuing their education.

Types of Bursaries:

  1. Vulnerable Group Bursaries: Available for students in defined vulnerable groups.
  2. Discretionary Bursaries: Awarded based on the E-ACT’s own policy, aligned with funding rules.

Eligible Uses:
Bursary funds can be used to cover necessary costs related to education, including:

  • Travel expenses to and from school.
  • Essential books, equipment, or specialist clothing required for the study program.

Bursary funds cannot be used for:

  • Learning support services (e.g., counselling or mentoring).
  • Extra-curricular or non-compulsory activities unrelated to the study program.
  • Living expenses.
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